Thermography - Thermal Imaging - How it Can Help You
- Thermography uses thermal imaging to detect changes in your body at any stage in the development from the first year through to when a tumor is dense enough to be seen with mammography or other diagnostic imaging tools.
Thermography - Thermal Imaging - How it Can Help You
What is Thermography?
Thermography uses thermal imaging to detect changes in your body at any stage in the
development from the first year through to when a tumor is dense enough to
be seen with mammography or other diagnostic imaging tools. Thermography
recognizes an early change due to more blood flow at the site
of cancer cells and/or inflammation and can lead to earlier diagnosis and
better treatment options as well as the opportunity for patients and their
healthcare practitioners to intervene at an early stage with preventative
Thermal Imaging Prices:
Breast Screening: $175
Upper Body Screening: $325
Full Body Screening: $425
Women's Health Check - $325

All women can benefit from the Women's Health Check Screening. Functional health encompasses so many potential areas that affect women of every age and medical history that a wholistic approach is needed to make sense of the individual's history and symptoms as well as the physiological testing results provided by DITI women's health check.
This functional health check aggress all age-related challenges as well as evaluation and grading of the head & neck, breast & chest and abdomen.
Thermography looks for findings that may indicate Autonomic/Autoimmune dysfunction, Endocrine/Adrenal system dysfunction, vascular, lymphatic and breast health dysfunction, which are all pivotal to overall health of women of any age.
Click here to read more about Thermography
This quick and easy test starts with your detailed medical history being take before you partially disrobe for the scanning to be performed.
The images are part of a graded analysis including breast, OB/Gyn, thyroid, endocrine, visceral, and autonomic status to provide a holistic view of overall health and future risk levels which can be used as part of a preventative health program.
(951) 703-3087 today to book this detailed 20 minutes scan.
Immune Health Thermography Scan - $325

Are you suffering from:
Tiredness & Fatigue
- Shortness of breath
- Chest pains or tightness
- Heart Palpitations
- Difficulty sleeping
- Dizziness
- Joint or muscle pain
- Pins and needles
- Rashes
- Difficulty concentration
This Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI) provides a non-invasive risk assessment for people who may be at a high risk, such as adults with underlying medical problems such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease and cancer who are more likely to suffer with the effects of post viral and vaccine syndromes that can be difficult to diagnose.
Click here to read more about Thermography
This quick and easy test can help patients and healthcare providers confirm diagnosis and play an important part in recovery. Call
(951) 703-3087 today to book your appointment.
The History of Thermography:
Thermography dates back to the 1800s with the invention of a thermo-electrical
device which established that the temperature in inflamed regions of the
body is higher than in normal areas. By 1972, the Department of Health,
Education and Welfare announced that Thermography, as it had become known,
was “beyond experimental” in several areas, including evaluation of the
female breast.
In 1982, the Federal Drug Commission (FDA) approved medical thermography
for use. Current modern systems, like the one we use, provide high speed,
high resolution imaging coupled with state-of-the-art computerized digital
technology. This results in clear, detailed images captured by certified
technicians for qualified physicians to interpret.
Thermography is now recognized and valued as a highly refined science with
standardized applications in Neurology, Vascular Medicine, Sports Medicine,
Breast Health, and many other specialty areas.
Thermography vs Mammograms
Mammograms have been the diagnostic tool for breast cancer screening
starting back to 1970. Guidelines have changed and according to the U.S.
Preventive Services Task Force mammograms are recommended to women aged 50-74 every two years. But what
about the women who are younger and are at more risk due to family history? And because your 75 years old does that mean that you’re not worth the trouble of a mammogram? What about breast cancer in men? We think all of these situations should be considered.
According to the National Cancer Institute, Breast cancer is more common in
older women. But the risk is 1 in 227 by the age of 30 and goes up to 1 in
28 by the time you reach the age of 60. In this graph it shows that the
risk really starts as early as your 20’s and never really goes away as long
as we are living, so why stop the current recommended mammogram screening
process when we reach the age of 75?
This is where we have a choice to take our health and wellbeing into our
own hands. Preventive screenings such as Theomgraphy and Ultrasound can be
preformed without a doctor’s order. So whatever your reason is, age,
family history or belief in preventive measures to live a full and
healthy life, we believe it is your body and you should have a
choice in your screenings.
The Benefits of Thermography
These are some reasons to consider thermography vs or in addition to a
mammogram for breast imaging. But first, make sure that you are getting your
Thermography Scan done by a knowledgeable and trained technician in a
facility that is backed by a board-certified physician that can give you a
detailed report of the findings of your images.
- Thermal Imaging may detect pre-cancer areas – Thermography uses heat to look for disease
and it can potentially find a place in the tissue that would turn into
cancer. This information could be very helpful in preventing cancer and
treatment could be focused on lifestyle and diet changes that could help
reverse the disease.
- No radiation is used – radiation may increase your risk of cancer.
- You can start the Thermography screening at any age – typically, your
medical doctor is not going to refer you for any medical imaging unless it
falls under the Preventive Service Task Force Recommendations or if you
have a symptom such as pain or a lump. We recommend that you get your first
baseline Thermography Screening at the age of 25. This will give us, and you, the
knowledge of any changes that are seen throughout the years.
- A great screening process for dense breasts – since mammograms aren’t
very useful for dense breast, this is a better tool to getting a closer
- Detects cells in the armpit area – because thermography can be used for
the whole body, it can also detect cancer cells in the armpit area. Mammograms concentrate only on the breast area.
- No touch imaging – Thermography uses a no touch imaging process and does
not require any compression, which reduces the risk of spreading cancer
cells from the compression process.
Breast health is something we can’t afford to ignore. Each year breast
cancer continues to be a leading cause of death in women and breast cancer
rates keep rising. So don’t wait for that mammography screening to be
ordered by your doctor, come in now and get your breast or full body
thermography scan. Saturday appointments are available. Call us today to
book your appointment at 951.703.3087.
Phone: (951) 703-3087 | info@uniqueultrasoundredlands.com |
1235 Indiana Court, Suite 108, Redlands CA 92374